Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Thankful List

I wanted to make a list of things that I am thankful for this year. This is in no particular order or is there a particular number of things.

1. The Lord Jesus Christ and the fact that we live in a county that we can worship in the way that we choose.

2. My husband. Yes he is different from alot of other men, but he treats me like a queen and he loves his kids and usually everyone else's kids.

Tacky night at church
 3. My children. I love the fact that they get along with each other and love Jesus and church. When we asked them if they would rather open presents in the morning on Christmas or open presents in the afternoon and go to church they said go to church. They acted like we were crazy to even ask that question. Christmas is on Sunday, we need to go to church, period.

4. The new addition to our family, my nephew. He is so cute and sweet and squishy!

5. Our church. When we moved here last year I dreaded church shopping. We found our church home on our second try and couldn't be more happy. We feel like we belong there and everyone treats us like family.

6. The town that we live in. We have only been back here for a year, but every time I go to town I see people that I know. I love being able to go to the grocery store or the library and I know the people working there and they know me.

7. Our home. We bought a four bedroom house last year on five acres. I never thought that we would be in the country and we love it!

8. The fact that we are close to the grandparents. We don't have to travel for the holidays and my kids can spend the night with Grandma!

9. That I have been able to stay home this year and babysit. I was depressed this year that I did not get a job at our local schools working with special needs kids. I did this in the last place that we live and I have a passion for kids with special needs, but the lack of job as kept me home and it has been nice.

10. Clean drinking water, plenty of food, and our health. I will lump all of this together because I need to go make sweet potato casserole. You don't realize how lucky you are to have your health until you spend time with people who are not healthy!

Happy Thanksgiving to all! I hope you have the best ever!

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